Of Wolf and Man

Of Wolf and Man

Off though the new day’s mist I run
Off from the new day’s mist I have come
I hunt
Therefore I am
Harvest the land
Taking the fallen lamb

Off though the new day’s mist I run
Off from the new day’s mist I have come
We shift
Pulsing the Earth
Company we keep
Roaming the land while you sleep

Shape shift
Nose to the wind
Shape shift
Feeling I’ve been
Move swift
All senses clean
Earth’s gift
Back to the meaning of life

Bright is the moon high in starlight
Chill in the air cold and steel tonight
We shift
Call of the wild
Fear in your eyes
It’s later than you realized

Shape shift
Nose to the wind
Shape shift
Feeling I’ve been
Move swift
All senses clean
Earth’s gift
Back to the meaning of life

I feel a change
Back to a better day
Hair stands on the back of my neck
In wilderness is the preservation of the world
So seek the wolf in thyself

Shape shift
Nose to the wind
Shape shift
Feeling I’ve been
Move swift
All senses clean
Earth’s gift
Back to the meaning of wolf and man

Kirk Lopus – Human Form

Val Char Base Cost Pts. Roll Notes
10 STR 10 ×1 11- 100 kg; 2d6
13 DEX 10 ×3 12- OCV: 4 / DCV: 4
10 CON 10 ×2 11-
10 BODY 10 ×2 11-
18 INT 10 ×1 13- PER Roll: 13-
15 EGO 10 ×2 10 12- ECV: 5
10 PRE 10 ×1 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
10 COM 10 ×½ 11-
PD (STR/5) ×1 Total: 2 PD / 0 rPD
ED (CON/5) ×1 Total: 2 ED / 0 rED
SPD (1+DEX/10) 2.3 ×10 Phases: 4, 8, 12
REC (STR/5+CON/5) ×2
20 END (CON×2) 20 ×½
20 STUN (BODY+STR/2+CON/2) 20 ×1
Total 34
Pts. Power/Talent/Skill/Perk Roll
Werewolf Powers
Werewolf Healing – 2d6 Healing, self only (-1), linked to multiform (-½), [2]
17 Danger Sense – Talent: Danger Sense, as a sense, in and out of combat, only vs. attacks he can normally sense, intuitional 13-
22 Shapeshifting – Multiform, 50+50 base form, ×2 forms, memory loss in one turn (-2)
Bureaucratics 11-
Conversation 11-
Deduction 13-
High Society 11-
Inventor 13-
Mechanics 13-
Persuasion 8-
KS: Canadian Geography and Geology 11-
KS: Valuable Metals 11-
Science: Geology 13-
Science: Metallurgy 13-
Science: Physics 13-
79 Skill Total
34 Char Cost
113 Grand Total
Disadvantage Pts.
Accidental Change into Werewolf, when highly pressured (uncommon, 11-) 15
Hunted by Werewolf self (more powerful, 11-) 20
Psychological Limitation: Believes himself superior to “primitive” Indians (common, strong) 15
Psychological Limitation: Multiform Amnesia (common, strong) 15
Reputation: Over-ambitious, will stop at nothing (11-) 10
Watched by High ranking United Mines Inc. employees (less powerful, NCI, 😎
Watched by Shamans (as powerful, limited area, 11-)
Total 75

Kirk Lopus – Werewolf Form

Val Char Base Cost Pts. Roll Notes
18 STR 10 ×1 13- 300 kg; 3½d6
18 DEX 10 ×3 24 13- OCV: 6 / DCV: 6
18 CON 10 ×2 16 13-
12 BODY 10 ×2 11-
INT 10 ×1 -4 10- PER Roll: 11-; Smell/Hearing: 13-
EGO 10 ×2 -10 10- ECV: 2
20 PRE 10 ×1 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
14 COM 10 ×½ 12-
PD (STR/5) ×1 Total: 12 PD / 4 rPD
ED (CON/5) ×1 Total: 7 ED / 2 rED
SPD (1+DEX/10) 2.8 ×10 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
REC (STR/5+CON/5) ×2
36 END (CON×2) 36 ×½
30 STUN (BODY+STR/2+CON/2) 30 ×1
Total 67
Pts. Power/Talent/Skill/Perk Roll
Werewolf Powers
Werewolf Healing – 2d6 Healing, self only (-1), linked to multiform (-½) [2]
30 Claws – 2d6 HKA (3d6 w/STR) [3]
20 Bite – 1d6 HKA (2d6 w/STR), continuous (+1), must successfully grab (-½) [3]
Curse of Lycanthropy – 1d6 Major Transform Human into Lycanthrope, no range (-½), linked to bite (-½), bite must do BODY damage (-½), activation 15- (-¼) [2]
17 Danger Sense – Talent: Danger Sense, as a sense, in and out of combat, only vs. attacks he can normally sense, intuitional 13-
Lycanthrope Hide – Armor +4 rPD / + 2 rED, not vs. silver or fire (-¾)
34 Lycanthrope Hide – 75% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction, not vs. silver or fire (-¾)
17 Lycanthrope Hide – 50% Resistant Energy Damage Reduction, not vs. silver or fire (-¾)
10 Wolf’s Smell – Enhanced Senses: Tracking and Discriminatory Scent
Night Vision – UV Vision
Sharp Senses – +1 General PER, +2 Hearing and Smell PER
Wolf’s Speed – +1″ Running (7″ total)
General Skills
Concealment 10-
KS: Pack Tactics 11-
+1 w/ Hand to Hand Combat
170 Skill Total
67 Char Cost
237 Grand Total
Disadvantage Pts.
Accidental Change into human form when exhausted or badly injured (common, 14-) 20
Accidental Change into wolf form when cornered or fleeing (uncommon, 14-) 15
Enraged when Indian lands violated (common, 14-, 😎 30
Distinctive Features: A werewolf (not concealable, extreme reaction) 25
Hunted by human self (less powerful, NCI, 14-) 20
Psychological Limitation: Multiform Amnesia (common, strong) 15
Watched by Shamans (as powerful, limited area, 11-)
Total 125

Kirk Lopus – Wolf Form

Val Char Base Cost Pts. Roll Notes
13 STR 10 ×1 12- 150 kg; 2½d6
18 DEX 10 ×3 24 13- OCV: 6 / DCV: 6
15 CON 10 ×2 10
10 BODY 10 ×2 11-
INT 10 ×1 -4 10- PER Roll: 10-; Smell and Hearing PER: 14-
EGO 10 ×2 -10 10- ECV: 2
15 PRE 10 ×1 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
14 COM 10 ×½ 12-
PD (STR/5) ×1 Total: 8 PD / 2 rPD
ED (CON/5) ×1 Total: 6 ED / 0 rED
SPD (1+DEX/10) 2.8 ×10 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9
REC (STR/5+CON/5) ×2
30 END (CON×2) 30 ×½
25 STUN (BODY+STR/2+CON/2) 25 ×1
Total 50
Pts. Power/Talent/Skill/Perk Roll
Werewolf Powers
Werewolf Healing – 2d6 Healing, self only (-1), linked to multiform (-½), [2]
Curse of Lycanthropy – 1d6 Major Transform Human into Lycanthrope, no range (-½), linked to bite (-½), bite must do BODY damage (-½), activation 15- (-¼) [2]
Wolf Powers
Bite – ½d6 HKA, reduced penetration (-¼) (2×½d6 HKA w/STR) [1]
Wolf’s Hide – Armor +2 rPD
Wolf’s Speed – +1″ Running (7″ total)
16 Sharp Senses – +4 Hearing PER, +4 Smelling PER
10 Wolf’s Scent – Enhanced Senses: Tracking and Discriminatory Scent
Night Vision – UV Vision
General Skills
+1 w/Hand to Hand Combat
KS: Pack Tactics 11-
Concealment 12-
71 Skill Total
50 Char Cost
121 Grand Total
Disadvantage Pts.
Distinctive Features: gleaming red eyes (easily concealable, extreme reaction) 15
Psychological Limitation: Multiform Amnesia (common, strong) 15
Physical Limitation: limited manipulation (frequently, greatly) 15
Watched by Shamans (as powerful, limited area, 11-)
Total 45

Campaign: Shades of Grey (HERO of Darkness)

Kirk was a young aspiring geologist working for United Mines Inc. Unless he had been so ruthless, he would probably have just lived out his life as another unfulfilled bright young potential in the corporate America.
But not Kirk. Through careful study of geological surveys other, more politically correct (or perhaps just more humane) employees preferred to overlook, he discovered a huge gold mine in western Canada. Unfortunately, in was in the middle of an Indian territory. Unfortunately for them, that is. Kirk offered to buy the land from them. Naturally, they were reluctant to sell their ancestor’s land. So Kirk simply ignored their presence and started mining there anyway.
The Indians tried reasoning with him. They failed. They tried to assassinate him. Twice. They Failed. Finally, they were driven to their last resort. An ancient curse best left forgotten in the mists of the past. The curse of Lycanthropy. The curse of the werewolf.
The werewolf is a personification of the beasts within. The spirit of the tribe’s right hand of vengeance upon Earth.
The more Kirk’s mining continues to destroy the lands, the more enraged the tribe’s spirit’s become, and the more ruthless does the werewolf become. The more his mining operation is attacked, the more ruthless Kirk becomes. Two souls, imprisoned in one body, trapped in a never-ending circle of blood and violence.

In his human form, Kirk is a ruthless American capitalist. He will stop at nothing to further his own goals, and couldn’t care less about who he stomps on in the process. Lately, he has begun suffering from nightmares of a feral monster attacking the miners and from blackouts he usually wakes up from with his clothes shredded. He currently dismisses them as the stress of the job getting to him, but the more frequent they become, the more suspicious he will become of his new nature.
In his werewolf form, Kirk is a bloodthirsty beast with only one goal in mind – to hunt and kill those who defile the land (i.e. – Kirk’s human form).
In his wolf form, Kirk is but an animal, driven by pure animal instincts.

In his human form, Kirk isn’t very impressive. He seems to be an average corporate worker, of average height and weight. He dresses in tasteful, dull colored clothes and wears reading glasses.
In his werewolf form, he is much more imposing. Almost two meters tall and weighing almost 120 kg of pure muscle, he is definitely the stuff nightmares are made of. Mostly wolf-like, he still keeps some undeniable human features, such as an upright position and hands that, although clawed, are definitely hands designed for holding and manipulating tools. His fur is pitch black and his eyes gleam with the red light of undying hatred.
In his wolf form, Kirk appears to be a large, but still normal, pitch-black wolf, except for the red gleaming eyes.

In his human form, Kirk will rather avoid fighting and prefer fleeing, or better yet – calling security.
In his werewolf form, Kirk is a whole different story. He will not enter a fight, except against those who defile the land, or if attacked first. However, once in a fight, he will pour out the wrath of the spirits in a terrifying manner. He will attack with huge claws, ripping flesh and bone alike. If he faces a single opponent, he will attempt to lock his jaws on him, and slowly let him bleed to death. If the opponent somehow escapes this death trap, he will probably be infected with Lycanthropy himself. It is also important to remember that the werewolf form is much sturdier than it appears and can ignore most damage that isn’t done by fire or silver weapons, although counter to popular belief, it does not possess any regenerating powers.
In his wolf form, Kirk acts like a normal wolf, and will only attack if famished or in defense of his own life.
The three forms aren’t aware of each other, and Kirk cannot switch between them at will. When stressed or attacked, Kirk will transform into the werewolf form. When that form has to flee, it will transform into a real wolf, or when injured and exhausted it will revert into the human form. Kirk heals a considerable amount of damage when shifting forms, which makes it even harder to link the forms together.

Never thought a character could be hunted by herself, did you?

Campaign Use:
Kirk can be used in quite a few ways. Probably the most interesting way would be to get the players involved in his little case of split personality. Have the players be hired by Kirk’s human form to hunt down his werewolf form, or have them help the tribe elders to stop the destruction of their land. Or most interestingly, both.